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Print_Area;5DN Attach Form(s)`^E\l~zNNSOS[_GOo`bJTh Information Reporting Form for Non-resident Taxpayers Claiming Treaty BenefitsAёUSMONl^CQR҉R Monetary unit: RMB Yuan (Keep two decimal places)^E\l~zNkXQ,{1y,{17yOo` v^[kXbOo`vw['`0Qnx'`0Tl'`bbl_#N0 Non-resident Taxpayers fill in the blanks of item 1 to 17 and take legal responsibility for the authenticity, accuracy and legitimacy of the information.1.-Ne Ty Name in ChineseV2.(W-NVv~zNƋ+RS~N>yOO(uNx Tax identification number in China (Uniform social credit code)*3.(WE\lV0W:S Ty Name in resident jurisdictionD4.(WE\lV0W:S v~zNƋ+RS Tax identification number in resident jurisdiction55.(W-NVvT|0W@W0?ex Contact address and zip code in China$6.(W-NVvT|5u݋ Telephone number in ChinaJ7.(WE\lV0W:S vT|0W@W0?ex Contact address and zip code in resident jurisdiction98.(WE\lV0W:S vT|5u݋ Telephone number in resident jurisdiction9.E\lV0W:S Resident jurisdiction10.5uP[{ E-mail address11.NSOS[ Ty The applicable treaty -12.(uOS[ag>k Ty Applicable articles of the treatyQ13.^E\l~zN/f&TS_~[ezR;N{S_@\_wQvf^E\l~zNS_@b_vS_t^^b NNt^^z6eE\lNvz6eE\lNf Whether the non-resident taxpayer obtained the tax resident certificate issued by the competent tax authority of the other contracting jurisdiction to prove the residence status of non-resident taxpayer for the year or its previous year during which the payment is received  % /f Yes % &T NoX14.NSOS[_G@b_ё Amount of the income with respect to which tax treaty benefits are claimed015.NSOS[_GQMQz Amount of tax reduced or exempted N 16.(uo`0)Ro`0yrCgO(u9ag>ke ^E\l~zN:N Sv@b gN v?eV{Onc/f 0V[zR;`@\sQNz6eOS[-N Sv@b gN gsQvlQJT 0V[zR;`@\lQJT2018t^,{9S v % ,{Nag% ,{ Nag,{N y% ,{ Nag,{N y%,{Vag% vQNf________________ If the article of dividends, interest or royalties is applied, the policy basis for non-resident taxpayer to be the "beneficial owner" is the % Article 2; % Item 1 of Article 3; % Item 2 of Article 3; % Article 4; % Others: Please specify________________ of the Public Notice of the State Taxation Administration on "Beneficial Owner" set forth in Double Taxation Agreements (Public Notice [2018] No.9 of the State Taxation Administration).  F17.b(Xf9hnc~[el_lĉTz6eOS[E\lag>k b:N~[ez6eE\l vsQ[cTNfv;Nvv N/f:NNSz6eOS[_G0bL$Re&{TOS[_GagN LNSOS[_G bbv^l_#N0b\ cĉ[R_ƖTYuX[vsQDeYg cSzR:gsQT~{t0 I hereby declare: According to the laws, regulations of the other contracting jurisdiction and the article of resident of the tax treaty, I am a resident of the other contracting jurisdiction, the principal purpose of the relevant arrangement and transaction is not to obtain tax treaty benefits. Through self-assessment, I believe that I am in conformity with the conditions for claiming tax treaty benefits, so I will enjoy tax treaty benefits. Therefore, I take due legal responsibilities. I will collect and retain relevant materials for review in accordance with the regulations, and accept the follow-up administration of the tax authority. ^E\l~zN~{zb~{W[ t^ g e Seal or signature of non-resident taxpayer Y M D RN NOo` N^E\l~zNkXQ Non-resident taxpayers do not need to fill in the following blanks$18.cb4INRN Ty Name of withholding agent}19.cb4INRN~zNƋ+RS~N>yOO(uNx  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Tax identification number of withholding agent (Uniform social credit code)w~RN~{W[ Signature of the case handler ~RNNNSx ID number of the case handler cb4INRN~{z Seal of the withholding agent~RN~{W[ Signature of the case handler ~RNNNSx ID number of the case handler Nt:gg~{z Seal of the tax agent Nt:gg~N>yOO(uNx Uniform social credit code of the tax agentStN Received by StzR:gsQz  Tax authority in charge (Seal) Steg t^ g e Date of case acceptance: Y M DV[zR;`@\v6R 2   %BX  dMbP?_*+% ,{ &P u qQ &N u&Q?'Q?((\?)(\?" /XXףp= ?ףp= ?&U} $k} k}  $k} k} @k} `k}  kg@)@@@S@ @@@@ @ } @ r@  @ )@f@@@ jIj lmmmmm nooooo pqq r rr sttttx uvv wvv uvv wvv usx w sx u sx w sx u vv w v v w y z w v v y zzz v v u s x u s x { |||| } ~~~~~ sttttx ustttx yzzzz   uu  k,n|"","DDDDHH6D"""*"H*>@d          ggD >n/u Oh+'0 PXl zj924;`@\!h[@@A{@;Microsoft Excel՜.+,D՜.+,H( 08@ (\dKSOProductBuildVer2052- Root Entry F-WorkbookYETExtDataZSummaryInformation( DocumentSummaryInformation8$  !"#$%&'()*+,./03